The Sacred Union: Connecting the Masculine and Feminine Within for personal transformation


About the Author

Dr. K Mari Castle has a background in Transpersonal Psychology and is a holistic health practitioner and intuitive healer. As a Dr. of Chinese Medicine, Mari combines her experience of energy with healing for an overall mind, body spirit approach to health and wholeness. Her focus as a healer and Spiritual Coach is to help people feel better and to educate the person for understanding the complex nature of the human body and for knowing thy self. This encompasses more than our physical body; it is our energetic and spiritual nature as well. Based on her background and MA in Transpersonal Studies, along with her certification in Grof Holotropic Breathwork, she hosts workshops focused on the breath and gaining access to the higher Self. Karen also enjoys educating others on the transpersonal realms and holding space for people of like-mind to be together. For more information, you may contact her at


The Sacred Union brings together a powerful awareness of the masculine and feminine consciousness within each person. In this rich telling of ancient myth, K Mari Castle, author of Unveiling the Modern Goddess, invites us to identify with the Goddess Inanna and Jesus the Christ, to provide guidance for our life development. These two stories come together in this book to understand the similarities and deeper message behind using myth for personal transformation. When we are able to use characters to look outside of the Self we can change from a subjective to an objective view and relate to models of conflict, tension and subsequently union. The world we exist in today is living in a dualistic state of awareness. In this time of world crisis, everyone is experiencing some amount of turmoil—either inwardly or outwardly. If our human consciousness shifts to understanding that we are all a part of the whole, we will unite, instead of separating our families and our culture. This will be the catalyst that moves us into birthing a new story and a new world era.


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