Grof Holotropic Breathwork is available in St Petersburg, Florida facilitated by K Mari Castle, PhD

Live your life with FREEDOM! Enjoy expanded states of consciousness!

Through deep and fast breathing techniques, along with a musical journey, you can access non-ordinary states of consciousness to heal from within. The many benefits of Breathwork include self-discovery, self-awareness, relief of stress-related disorders such as anxiety or depression, healing of addictions, removing mental blocks, boosting inspiration and overall improvement of mental health.  Dr. K Mari Castle is Certified as a Grof® Holotropic Breathwork practitioner since 2005 and has facilitated over 180 Breathwork sessions. She has a Ph.D. in Wisdom Studies, a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology and brings a holistic, psycho-spiritual approach for integrating internal processes brought forth from deep process Breathwork. 

When someone asks me to explain what Holotropic Breathwork is I try to keep it simple but I also realize that it is difficult to explain in just a few words. Many people today are familiar with the term breathwork, however, not many are familiar with Grof’s Holotropic Breathwork. Holotropic Breathwork promotes holistic healing and boosts mind-body-spirit mental health.

Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful way of deeply opening to innate healing wisdom in our mind, body, and spirit. Drawing on ancient healing and spiritual practices, Holotropic Breathwork uses the breath and music to enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness in a safe setting. It permits deep self-exploration, healing, and spiritual opening of the Self. This process can bring about awareness and transformation at all levels. Events that occur in our personal history, in the circumstances of our birth, or in transpersonal realms can create constrictions that impede the flow of our creative energy. These constrictions may keep us from attaining the personal wholeness, community feeling, and intelligence of spirit that brings fullness and satisfaction to life. Consequently, we may experience difficulty with our interpersonal relationships and lack a sense of life’s purpose. We may also feel stress, anxiety, or physical discomforts that conventional medicine cannot relieve. Holotropic Breathwork offers a powerful way to resolve these problems. It motivates us to achieve our full potential by helping us overcome feelings that we are stuck, trapped, blocked, or burdened. “Holotropic ” means “turning toward wholeness,” that inner capacity for self-healing at the heart of our being that makes healing possible. To learn more, click here.

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