
Death, Rebirth, and Embodiment of the Goddess in Greek Mythology

Original price was: $198.00.Current price is: $135.00.

Our apologies! This course is currently rescheduled for June 2025!

Course Description: In this course, we will discuss the profound concepts of ancient wisdom through Greek mythology and archetypes. We will explore specific Greek goddesses to understand how identifying with these archetypes can foster psycho-spiritual development of the Self. An examination of the concepts of death, rebirth, and embodiment will be described. We will better understand why reconnecting with ancient sacred sites can be powerful for self-transformation. A discussion on how uniting the masculine and feminine aspects within can benefit both individual self-growth and the collective consciousness of humanity.

This course will be led by two sisters, residents of the island of Aegina, Eleni Skrekou, MA, MSc in Prehistoric Archaeology and Grof Studies student and Vasiliki Skrekou, MSc Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology, Archetypal dancer and psychological astrologer, along with Mari Castle, PhD. 

DATES: Wednesday, September 4, 11, 18, 25 at 12p Eastern, ETD

COST: $198 – $135 sliding scale.


Week 1: Introduction to the Goddess as a Universal Archetype 

  • We will offer a brief introduction of archetype based on C.G. Jung’s scholarly perspective. 
  • Reflect on how myths and archetypes can inform our understanding of the Self and our journey towards holistic integration.
  • Introduce Greek gods and goddesses to understand how archetypes as primordial and collective images of spiritual/psychic power can influence our self-image, worldview, history and modern-day actions.
  • Understand why the island of Aegina is a mythological being and how it came to be that the energy of Aegina has interrelations with the goddess Aphaea.

Week 2: Death as the Great Initiator

  • Describe the significance of initiation and ritual in ancient myths.
  •  A worldview perspective of the Sumerian goddess Inanna’s descent to the underworld will be shared and why it is important today to listen or surrender to an inner (or divine) call.
  • A brief description of  Dr. Stan Grof’s theory of the birth perinatal matrices will be added for a contextual understanding of death.
  • Introduction of the goddess Aphaea’s myth and disappearance to the island of Aegina.

Week 3: Rebirth of a New Era

  • We will explore the potential of the feminine generative power in relation to the Greek goddess Aphaea and Potnia and their innate ability to transform.
  • How can Greek mythology provide contemporary civilization with a collective perspective of rebirth and union of masculine and feminine energy.
  • Learn why the ancient Greeks traveled to sacred lands and why that is meaningful for our own journey and energetic balance.
  • Discuss the emergence of archetypes in holotropic states of consciousness and how these energetic entities inform us through the collective unconscious to heal, awaken and rebirth a new world era.

Week 4: Embodiment and Integration of the Goddess Archetype

  • Discussion of embodiment and integration and how it can ignite energy or provide more space inside our body for creativity and a physical archetypal understanding.
  • Delve into the embodiment of the goddess, the practice of ritual movement and exploration of it’s in ancient wisdom.
  • Explore practical ways to integrate these movement into everyday life for personal and collective transformation.
  • Create and experience a dance ritual to honor and acknowledge our personal power of intent and the collective feminine generative power in unison.


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